Choosing the Second Path: How the Brain First Approach Helps with Challenging Behaviors
When kids with brain-based differences struggle with behavioral symptoms, parents have two divergent paths to consider.

8 Things I Wish My School Knew About Me
A list of 8 things a neurodiverse student might wish their teachers and school staff knew about them at the start of a new school year.

Dear Family Member: A Letter I Hope You Read
A letter from parents to those closest to them, articulating the experience of parenting a child with brain-based differences.

How Do You Measure Progress?
Measuring progress in parenting your child when it looks different from the progress parents of neurotypical children experience.

Looking Ahead to the Holidays: 4 Things to Keep in Mind
With holidays approaching, four suggestions for parents to alleviate some of the stress and chaos that have happened in past years.

But How Do I Know For Sure This Behavior Isn’t on Purpose?
Most of the parents I work with ask some version of this question: “But how do I know for sure that this behavior isn't on purpose?"

'The 10-Second Child in a One-Second World' - Slower Processing Pace and 4 Ways to Support It
What if a child isn’t able to process verbal communication in the way society expects? What do we need to do differently?

Questions to Consider When Choosing a Therapy Modality for Your Child
A look at how neuroscience research and the neurobehavioral approach align with therapy modalities your child might be receiving.

My Big Mistake.
The fact that our kids struggle with certain cognitive skills is not unique to our kids. We all experience lagging skills from time-to-time.

5 Misconceptions About Parenting Through a Brain-First Lens
An examination of five key misconceptions related to parenting through a brain-based lens.